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First P-Day

Well the MTC has been pretty good so far! Yesterday was really fast pace and right once we got here they started speaking romanian to us. There is only 3 of us in my district because theres only 3 romanian speakers here! And they interviewed us and called me to be the district leader last night. I have no clue what im doing really but i hope i figure it out. so theres just one girl (Sora Thompson) and one boy (Elder Laker) besides me. Elder Laker is the one whos related to the flakes in snowflake. i have two romanian teachers and they are both sisters who served missions in romania. Oh and i saw Elder Neff today at lunch! it was good to see someone who i know. but everyone here is super super nice, especially to the new missionaries. 

after i got to the airport a few other missionaries showed up and two were going to boston on their mission! but i didnt know they were going to speak portugese until they told me and elder laker we were rooming with the portugese and we found them in our room! so they are actually in a trio with another elder so theres five in our room! they are all cool tho. well theres not really much else going on cuz ive only been here for a day but ill send some pics on the group email! I love you guys tons!!! 


Im not sure if were supposed to email back and forth haha but oh well. today has been much better than yesterday! but i saw some girl that came and did baptisms in the temple and we recognized eachother but just her and elder neff. and i really like elder laker! ive been pretty high maintenance and he puts up with me pretty good. like today in class i had a lil bloody nose but it wasnt too bad till i coughed and blood got on my sleeve so we had to run out and clean it up in the bathroom and stuff like that. but we are pretty much comps with the sister in our district too since shes the only girl. and the temple is closed rn cuz of cleaning but i think it opens back up at the beginning of august. i gtg tho so bye i love you!!


Hey guys I survived about 24 hours at the MTC!! It is nowhere near what i was expecting here. Yesterday was so crazy i that i wanted to leave after like two hours. But it got better and im enjoying it here a lot more now! Everything here is so different so i hope i get used to it soon. But the spirit that is felt here is super strong and amazing. 

So theres only 3 romanian speakers here which means theres only 3 missionaries in our district! But we are in a branch with a bunch of other Portugese and Italian speakers which is cool. They made me the district leader last night so im glad theres only three of us in our district. Elder McLaws in Romanian is Varstnicul McLaws and I guess the last Varstnicul here was the only romanian speaker and everybody loved him! So when people see that me and my comp are the new Varstnicii they say VARSTNICULLLL!! and they all love us cuz the last guy left us a good reputation. But my comps name is elder laker from utah and hes a super nice dude. But thats about all i have to say cuz i havent been here for too long but ill have more to say next week! Oh and my p-days are fridays so thats cool i guess. Love you all!!

Varstnicul McLaws

and heres some pics!

1. Me and my comp

2. My district

3. My name tag

4. a cute selfie

5. the view from our classroom
