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Week 1

Things are going good! I am actually kinda starting to like it here. Except the days are soooo long. our districts schedule is wake up, and me and Varstnicul Laker roll right out of bed and go get in line for a sack breakfast and then we go back and plan for the day then do our language study, personal study, then comp study and then we eat lunch then have our first class at 1:30 and its 3 hours long then after that we just hang out then go eat dinner and then go to our next 3 hour class at 6. we have two teachers that are RMs from romania and i like them both. they are trying a new curriculum on our district so we dont teach our first lesson till next week. we are supposed to teach a romanian member 2 20 minute lessons next tuesday and its gonna be terrible cuz we dont know hardly any romanian. i can say a prayer in romanian and bear my testimony in romanian but not too much more than that. 

The food here actually isnt too bad! you just have to know what not to eat. i have been eating a ton tho. i usually get two plates of food for lunch and dinner and eat all of it. im sure ive gained at least 7 pounds so far! but theyu have like an hour of exercise time for us every day and its uaually at different times every day. but i just play bball, vball, and we sometimes run.

me and Varstnicul laker are good friends now and we get along super good. we are actually a lot alike! and the kids we room with are awesome and all the other kids in our district are awesone. we all have so much fun together! 

and the dear elder letters are fun to get! and do you think you could buy me this really cheap watch off of amazon? its called the casio f-91w. its just a cheap watch and my comp just got it as a joke but he got here and a ton of people had it so now i want one! thats about it but I love you guys and miss you guys a ton!!!! 


Hey everyone! The MTC has been good! The food is actually pretty good here tho. I eat two plates of food like every meal and im pretty sure im gaining a ton of weight hahah. The MTC life is pretty lame tho so theres not much to write about. Its pretty much just study, go to class, and then eating food here. 

The language is super hard but I've learned a lot in just one week! Since romanian is a latin based language i thought it'd be a lot like spanish but it is seriously nothing like spanish. so you take a sentence in english and mix up all the words and then combine some of the words and break some of the words up to make a romanian sentence. so its super confusing! and the pronunciation is really hard too. Me and my comp have to teach 2 20 minute lessons next tuesday to some romanian speaking member. its gonna be rough cuz we barely know how to bear our testimonies in romanian. But guess we'll see how it goes. 

So we are asked to prepare a talk for every sunday and need to be prepared to give it if you get called on. But they only call on two missionaries out of like 60-70 in our branch. But the worst part is you have to give the talk in the language that youre learning so the night before i just wrote down the first 3 sentences from the romanian preach my gospel and called it good. I didnt think the branch president would call on me cuz i had only been there for like 3 days but he did!!! so i had to get up in front of like 60-70 missionaries and give my 3 sentence talk in romanian. it was pretty rough cuz i couldnt even pronoucne the words but nobody could understand it anyways because there were only 2 other romanian speakers there so that was good!!

My talk was on repentence and i didnt learn much about repentence from my talk but i learned a lot about repentence throughout the week. I learned that repentence is a daily thing that should help us strive to become better every day. If we are constantly changing for the good then we are repenting. and also, repentence has to be hard and we have to feel sorrow or it is not true repentence. but through that sorrow we can find joy.

Love you all!!

1. Me and Varstnicul Laker by the romanian flag​​

2. Our portuguese homies

3. Our roomies

4. Mirror selfie

